Coach Vergel Meneses

>> Thursday, May 13, 2010

I was lazily reading about sports news when a familiar name caught my eye - Vergel Meneses. My eyes tell that one of my favorite local basketball players is now the coach of his college alma mater basketball varsity team - the Jose Rizal University Heavy Bombers.

Called the Aerial Voyager, Meneses led Sunkist to a near grandslam I think in 1995 and winning that year's MVP award.

His aerial moves endeared him to fans like me. He was a gifted offensive player and makes scoring look easy.

He gained more fans when he was traded (or just signed there, I'm not sure) to Ginebra. As far as I can remember, he reached the finals once as a Gin King.

I was not following the PBA religiously like before that I never knew when he retired.

Now, I have more reason to watch NCAA basketball.


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